Visa has just dumped their tagline of more than two decades from "It's everywhere you want to be" to "Life takes Visa".
As they made the move they unvealed a new mutimedia ad campaign utilizing TV, print, billboards, and of course, online ads.
At the center of the online campaign is a so called 'viral' site chock full of over produced video 'snippets' of life. These video snippets while cute and occasionally entertaining are not the stuff of viral marketing, the reasons why are topic for an entirely different discussion. Needless to say, if they were viral, Visa did a horrific job of planning this viral online campaign, so many aspects of it simply fail.
In my most recent Grokcast, or video critique, I show you where and why their persuasive scenario falls apart.
Watch our Grockcast "Life Takes Better Planning" (Flash Move, 12mg, 13 minute)